Grand Jury Report

The Stanislaus County Grand Jury Report on the City is out, and it’s a doozie!   For starters, the Grand Jury:

  1. 1. Calls for Annette’s resignation for failing to disclose her business relationship with Mr. Ramos, for not recusing herself from votes involving Mr. Ramos, for inappropriately directly staff, for pushing for Dominic’s hiring as an assistant planner, and for multiple Brown Act violations.
  2. Determines that Becky’s service as mayor was invalid from 2008-2010 because she did not live within the city limits, and as a result, recommends she return her salary and that her votes during this period be invalidated.
  3. Finds that the $27,000 paid to Ramos over the Health District controversy was voted upon without any documentation of any legal fees he incurred and that the money should be returned to the city.
  4. Finds that Cleve Morris’ firing was inappropriately voted upon in closed session.

And that’s just for starters.  To view all seven parts of the complete Grand Jury Report, click here.

Much more to come folks…

25 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    blue state said,

    They are who we thought they were. Now what?

  2. 2

    WhatNext said,

    What I am most shocked about with the grand jury report is that the Irrigator has already come out in favor of those that have done their best to forward their agenda’s against the best needs of the city.
    The Irrigator tells us that this was a one-sided report and that, while not using the term “witch hunt” like Annette, that is basically what they are saying it was.
    Attention Irrigator, the grand jury was investigating specific complaints. That is why the report is focused on those areas. They investigated those four, and, apparently for good reason. It is very difficult to stack a grand jury, so those on the jury must have found enough evidence to release the report that they did.
    Dear Irrigator, in addition to getting to the facts of the grand jury itself, why don’t you try to get the facts of the offenses that the named are said to have committed? You talk about the report being one-sided, how about your reporting of the issues that were sent in as complaints. You, our local paper, decided NOT to report or investigate on the misdeeds of the few in power, of those mentioned in the report. Why is that? Many would consider your reporting one-sided. And that is completely against what a newspaper should stand for.

  3. 3

    Fed up! said,

    The Patterson Irrigator is a JOKE! It hasnt been a “Newspaper” for a long time. Coke Bottle Bob doesnt care about the truth. He is just out for a buck. Look how long his buddy Ramos went on trashing everyone in town who ever crossed him in one way or another. Its about time that Ramos, and his City Council Girls including Farinha were called out. I think the now resigned CIty attorney deserves the bashing as well.

  4. 4

    Exclam! said,

    No the Irrigator took what a grand jury report is (based solely on the accusations made by some) and told you like it was!!!!! Do you think this report changes all kinds of things in the City? The City will fight this and provide accurate information to refute what the grand jury is saying!!!! So Annette cussed somebody out in public, who the hell cares!!!! I just heard City people talking about this report today and mentioning the Save Mart incident and I told them, “You know who she cussed out right?” They had no clue!!! I informed them it was Kathy Wright and they stated, “Oh that’s no big deal!!!!” HAHA!

    • 5

      Come On Now said,

      Sorry Exclam (or do you prefer Deborah or Annette), but this is a big deal. You can spin this as a witch hunt all you want. But the fact is that the Grand Jury responded to complaints received from many, many residents on different issues. Regardless of what you think about Kathy Wright, it is completely inappropriate for a Councilmember to treat any constituent that way. Not to mention the fact that members of the Grand Jury actually witnessed her behavior first hand at a recent council meeting. She had to have known they were there that night, and yet she still couldn’t contain herself. There are many of us who have either witnessed or been the target of Annette’s foul language and beligerant behavior. It’s a big part of the reason why people don’t like Annette, but it’s not why the Grand Jury called for her to resign. They called for her resignation because she crossed the legal and ethical line on many, many fronts

      By the way, how is it that you happened to “hear City People” or be so sure that the City is going to fight this if you aren’t on the Council? If you are Deborah, you should do the right thing and urge your friend to step down and save the city a lot of additional heartache.

      • 6

        Exclam! said,

        It’s a one sided report that doesn’t take into account what the people who are being accused can counter with!!!! Is everyone stupid enough on here to think that the data provided in that report can’t be proven differently? This isn’t a trial, if it was this report wouldn’t have two feet to stand on. Just sit back, relax and watch what comes of it!!!!! 🙂

        I can assure you I am not Annette or Deborah!!!! And don’t worry about how I heard City people talking!!!!

        I’ll reiterate: Just sit back, relax and watch what comes of it!!!! Haha!!!!!

  5. 7

    Come On Now said,

    What exactly is one-sided about the fact that they voted to give Ramos $27000 without any documentation regarding his legal fees? Or the fact that Becky couldn’t produce any info to verify that she was a resident of the city from 2008-2010 and admitted as much to a constituent in 2008? Or that Annette never, ever publicly disclosed her financial relationship with Ramos despite having multiple opportunties to do so with the many different votes she cast on issues involving Ramos properties over the years? Or that they voted to fire Cleve Morris in closed session? Or that they pressured Morris to fire Simpson? Or that they pressured Simpson directly to hire Dominic? Or that they pressured other city staff to expedite various projects when they’re only supposed to communicate through the city manager?

    I can assure you we are not stupid. We are paying attention, and we have been for a long, long time. We have seen how the Slate operates. We have seen how certain projects fly through with lightening speed with little or no public input. We have seem them hold secret and/or illegal meetings, either at City Hall or at one of the eateries around town. We have seen how their pals and/or puppet masters get appointed to various commissions. We have seen both residents and other councilmembers who dare to question the Slate get verbally stomped and berated.

    If you or one of your Slate buddies can answer those questions, then you’ll be fine. Until then, why don’t you sit, back, relax and get to work on your next coupon book, er “Community Magazine” Deborah!! HaHa!!

  6. 8

    soon come said,

    For those of us who have witnessed this train wreck for at least the past 5 years, the Grand Jury Report presents few findings already known to those who frequent this site.

    1. We knew that line between city hall and developers nearly vanished under Campo’s watch. However, if we think that this starts with her, we are all the fools. This intermingling between the city and council has been going on since BC was a planning commissioner. The players change, but the game remains the same. Build, build, build, and when the bottom falls out, point fingers.

    2. Annette….I mean sarakobioch, clam, or whatever she is calling herself these days, has made a few things clear to the people of Patterson, again, much of which we here are all too familiar with.

    She has little respect for anyone who challenges her judgment.

    She is incapable of leading a city….see point three for blame.

    She simply cannot admit to any wrongdoing. She has an excuse for everything and would rather pass off poor judgment by pointing the finger elsewhere.

    3. Clam is right, we voted AS into office. If you are one of the unlucky individuals who’s met AS, you may agree that her first impression is somewhat palatable. But once you get your second peak, you start to see the real AS unravel. But who is to blame for council seat. Developers who give her $250 and in return she gives the house. Who knows, but this psuedo politico will continue to get elected until the people of Patterson wake up and realize that AS is simply out of her league, and brings little leadership to the table when we are faced with serious problems that call for sound judgment.

    3. The Planner is just a mess. I don’t know where to begin with him. Really Dom, couldn’t earn your seat at the big table? Forced to join the treacherous two in fear of being left behind at recess.

    running out time….soon come

  7. 9

    Get up Stand up said,

    Its time to show up tonight and demand Annette Smith resign or face recall. Demand Dominic Farihna resign or face recall. Demand the City Attorney draft a letter to John Ramos to return the money illegally given to him. Demand the City Attorney look into George Logan and the money he billed to the city. Demand the City Attorney look into all 3-2 votes during Campo’s reign, especially Wal-Mart and anything relating to John Ramos. Its time to take back the city from these people who have so long acted above the law.

  8. 10

    BackInTown said,

    The meeting for tonight has been postponed. This may actually be a fortunate turn of events as it will allow us all to encourage more citizens to show up for the meeting next week and make our wishes clear.
    Annette to resign
    Dominic to resign, even though the grand jury didn’t suggest it, we should
    Investigate every 3-2 or 3-1 vote done by the council
    Review all WalMart decisions
    Come on everyone, get the word out. We have a chance next week to begin turning things around in our community and putting trust back in our leaders. We need new leaders that will listen to the citizens of our community, all the citizens. New leaders that will do what is best for the city, not the few.

    • 11

      Exclam! said,

      “Come on everyone, get the word out. We have a chance next week to begin turning things around in our community and putting trust back in our leaders. We need new leaders that will listen to the citizens of our community, all the citizens. New leaders that will do what is best for the city, not the few.”

      You have NO chance!!! Good luck!!!! Relax, sit back and just watch what comes next!!!!!

      • 12

        Come On Now said,

        Exclam (Deborah? Annette?), one of three things is going to happen next. 1) Annette saves the city a lot of heartache and steps down, 2) Annette sticks to her guns and puts us all through a recall campaign, or 3) the ongoing FBI investigation is going to bring down the hammer big time on the Slate.

        In an absolute best case scenario for Annette, she somehow survives the recall but the voters show her the door next year, assuming the FBI doesn’t intervene sooner. If this is Deborah, you better start doing your homework now because your pal Annette may not have much time left on the council. You can do yourself a lot of good if you can convince your friend that her resignation is the best course for her and the city at this point.

        But given your bravado, I’m guessing you’re more likely to go down with the Titanic than save yourself and the city from the rather large iceberg heading our direction. Too bad for you, and too bad for the city, but as a full fledged member of the Slate, I guess we shouldn’t expect anything more from you.

  9. 13

    Ida Perez said,

    Dishearteningly.Residents of Patterson were just begining to see a brighter side and hopeful anticipation for the future of Patterson as the City’s financial picture appeared stable.Cleve Morris did an excellant job in spite of all the turmoil caused by some members of the City Council.New staff with a new city attorney and city manager also raised hope for residents that the city’s focus will be strictly on the business of finances, projects and programs,etc.Now,the Grand Jury’s report was part of the process for improvement and allow the City to move on.There were nine citizen’s complaints and rightfully so, as there were some glaringly wrong and incorrect ways of handling complaints or judgments, which were directed at the elected officials.The recent remarks of a present city council person and ex-mayor sets us back to the ugliness of the past turmoil.At least one present City Council person who was the subject of the Grand Juror’s report had the decency and humbleness to admit some mistakes and agreed to move on to better serve the community. Thank you Dominic.You have earn the respect and support of many of us.To our present City Mayor Molina, you have the support and respect of many of us for standing up and still retain that self-discipline of a good marine.It is in times like this that the citizens of Patterson wll need a leader to help us through those rough times.The response to the Grand Jury’s report should be handled by the City Manager and City Attorney in an objective and legal manner,particularly in the matters that pertain to the City’s business.The complaint that “malfeasance”(wrong-doing or misconduct especially by a public official) has already been investigated by the Grand Jury,and whether the County District Attorney will follow with a criminal complaint after continuing more of an investigation and reviewing evidence is yet to be determined.Bribery(money or favor given or promised in order to influence the judgement or conduct of a person in a position of trust) is glaringly obvious from the published report,unless 12 persons(GJ) are very bias.There is still a lot of information that has not been disclosed publicly and there are a lot of questions to be answered.If favors are being exchanged at the County level,then there is another agency that should step in to investigate.This is not a question of whether an action or complaint was politically motivated,but more of why certain developers or persons are receiving preferential treatment and votes on issues that pertain to the City’s business.More questions….where are the answers?

  10. 14

    BackInTown said,

    Many have their suspicions about who exclaim is. There are some who think that they aren’t a member of the council, but rather someone in an appointed position.
    Considering how Annette treats her constituents, in public and as they stand at the podium at council meetings, she has no concept of what she is doing to our community. To her, as has been mentioned many times, this is her town to do with as she pleases: logic, common sense and the law be damned. She will force her agenda through no matter what is best for the city. She will spend city money for her agenda and pet projects and completely forget about the little people and the majority of the citizens.
    As long as she holds the power, she doesn’t care one bit about how divided she makes this city.
    If I were to put my money on it, the way it will play out is that she will not give up her seat but will go down in flames when the FBI is done, sooner than later. I have heard speculation that Annette won’t be the only one to have to deal with the justice system from the investigations. Others, elected, appointed, and those who have influenced the elected and appointed, will be facing some serious legal repercussions from their actions.
    Like you should do with all rumors, take them with a grain of salt. But it sure would be nice to have our community cleaned up, from the elected and appointed officials that are doing us wrong to the lowly thugs that have the run of our city.

  11. 16

    soon come said,

    Why is campo getting advise from city attorney? Once elected, are city attorneys council for life. Seems a bit strange that she still has access to city hall.

  12. 17

    BackInTown said,

    It is probably cheaper that she uses the city resources. Cheaper for her and cheaper for the citizens of Patterson. If she were to hire her own lawyer, with Annette and her three guaranteed puppet votes, giving her four guaranteed votes, she can just vote to reimburse Becky’s legal fees.
    The rates for a personal lawyer for Becky would cost us a lot more than her using the city attorney. Either way, she gets her legal council for free and with her using the city attorney, we don’t have to write a big check in the future.
    A win-draw situation. Becky wins free legal council and the city gets a draw out of it since it is probably the cheaper of the two situations.

    • 18

      Exclam! said,

      Agreed! It is better for Becky to have representation from the City as it will be cheaper on us!!!

      • 19

        BackInTown said,

        Being cheaper is one thing. Being legal is another. I think it is time for outside assistance to determine the appropriateness of the city attorney and city manager providing counsel to Becky.
        Before the city finds itself in deeper waters.
        As you said before “Watch what’s next” I am watching and waiting.

      • 20

        WhatNext said,

        I had a thought. Maybe all of us citizens of Patterson should be entitled to free legal advice form the city. Oh wait, Becky isn’t a citizen of Patterson, she is a resident of the county.
        So, are we, the tax payers of Patterson, paying for legal services for those that live in the county too?
        Our budget must be in such good shape that we can afford to provide free legal advice to residents of the county.
        My neighbor got a ticket last week. I was thinking about sending him to city hall to see the city attorney for advice. Does anyone know when the best time to see him for the free legal advice out city provides?

  13. 21

    Ida Perez said,

    A lot of speculations without any solid bases to confirm any allegations.The response to the Grand Jury falls back on the City administration,as such being the City Manager and City Attorney. The allegation that the EX-Mayor did not resided within the City limits during the period of time she was receiving some City benefits and voting on City issues is an issue that still remains in the “grey area” .The GJ determined to some extent that she was not a “legal’ resident of Patterson, however, unless this allegation is brought forward in a complaint to/in the justice system,either as a civil or criminial matter,then this matter will be determined.Both the City Attorney and the City Manager have to investigate this(GJ conclusion) allegation and have to question the subject of this allegation.There are some legal and municipal codes that this matter falls under and the City Attorney should have some expertise to weight the evidence after questioning the subject.Thereafter, the evidence should be evaluated and either dropped with an explanation to the GJ(and City of Patterson residents)or proceed with a recommendation to the District Attorney to file a complaint to be scheduled in County Court.Unfortunately,the Ex-Mayor has spoken out in public without the benefit of a formal response by the City to the GJ and in the Public’s eye,she is “guilty” of this the type of response she has allowed the news media to published.This allegation, if found to be strong enough to go through the Court System, will cost the City and its residents more than the money that was paid to her.Not only that, this turmoil will not rest and more fingers will be pointed in different directions.What Price is JUstice?If not satisfied with the City administration’s response,the dissatisfied residents can proceed with their own legal advisor and forward to the court system.As for the present Councilwomen who is also a subject of a more serious allegations,once censured(a judgement involving condemnation),she has more to lose as she is presently making decisions for the city and is subject for future “mistakes” under the watchful eye of the alerted Public.Interesting that the developers whose names have been mentioned have not responded in the Public media.Legal advice is costly, but can keep the subject of a complaint out of the court/law enforcement system for a while.

  14. 22

    Ida Perez said,

    After reading the comments posted onJuly 9th by georgelogan in the Pattereson Irrigator,all that can be said is” Thank you, George for resigning”.That was the best service you have provided so far.McCarthyism(look it up in Webster’s Dictionary ,if it is not too laborious for you)is no longer in vogue, and for a good reason.The “Fred Rosses” put their names on the line and are unafraid to speak up, so some who lack access to this wonderful world of capitalism, will at least have a voice, since their backs are so broken down with the hard labor that have been endured.

  15. 23

    Soon Come said,

    Whoever is advising the terrible three needs to schedule an appointment to get their head reexamined.

    Smith, Campo and Farinha need to take their medicine. Remarkably, we haven’t heard any statements of regret or mistake…except for a choreographed remark from the Planner. Instead, they do what they do best, find a way to point the finger at Molina.

    The charade is up. This recent red scare reach is just another example of what they’ll do to keep their power over city hall. This nonsense that the city has benefited financially from sound leadership is downright misleading. The city continues to pass on either necessary cuts or deep dives into the general fund. Sure, less than a million a year during the biggest economic downturn of our generation is nothing to scoff at. If it was as simple as that, meaning, the city would just eat 1 million a year until the recovery, then yes, I would possibly have a different take.

    However, there are few wrong with this thinking:

    Leadership is not responsible for the 10 million in the bank….development and development alone has filled the coffers at city hall. It doesn’t take a brain surgeon to figure out that when the home building stopped, so did our increase in the general fund. But what is the toll on the city for all this development. One could easily make the argument that services will easily equal out any gains. Over the next 2-3 years, you will notice that the bleeding of deficit will increase, causing us to draw down the reserve. I’m not sure how they cooked the books this year, but expect $2 – 3 million dips in the next few years. In the end, we all know that development never pays it share, the city will be left holding the bag, expected to provide more services for a short sided build-out. The real question is what do we do when reserve is gone in three years? To support the red scare theory, maybe a sales tax increase is in order. Oh no, did I just mention the word tax……yes. We have an unsustainable financial model, increase revenues (not coming from property values anytime soon) will be needed…our options are limited.

    Definition of DELUSIONAL
    a persistent false psychotic belief regarding the self or persons or objects outside the self that is maintained despite indisputable evidence to the contrary; also : the abnormal state marked by such beliefs….see the terrible three for real life example.

  16. 24

    BackInTown said,

    It is very funny the way the corrupt and their friends/associates are always quick to lay blame on a political nature.
    The problems in Patterson right now aren’t conservative/liberal or right/left. They are all about corruption. The corruption in Patterson isn’t about which side of the political fence one sits, but about where the money and special favors and considerations flows.
    Is the coincidence conservative or liberal that the fight against the health center move died down the same time Hollowel was quoted as saying that a deal has been worked out to move forward with the WalMart? Is the coincidence right or left that at the same time that Ramos gave up the fight for the move AND he got a 27,000 gift from the council the same WalMart was approved?
    Corruption isn’t the property of the left or right, it is the result of those in power losing sight of what is right and wrong. Unfortunately, that is what has happened here. Is isn’t the left or the right, it is that those that hold the puppet strings are corrupt,.

  17. 25

    Ida Perez said,

    Sergio,EXCELLENT response to georgelogon’s post(sat.July 9th) in the Patterson’s IrriGator.That is placing “things in perspective.”.

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